Adventures of wine and coisine
The Vipava Valley has always been renowned for its exquisite wines. The region’s landscape and mild climate are two key reasons why the grapevine has been thriving here for almost two thousand years. The long-lasting tradition, which has been passed down from one generation to another, has helped many respected wine growers make a name for themselves beyond the borders of their homeland. You can spice up your stay with us by visiting stone cellars built deep below the ground, also called ‘hrami’ by the locals. Relax in the company of good people and toast with ‘pinela’ and ‘zelen’ – our favorite couple!
The Vipava Valley cuisine is characterized by simple dishes which were already prepared by our ancestors way back when. Home-cooked meals were always modified according to the ingredients they were able to grow themselves. Traditional dishes are also served in the best local restaurants or ‘ošterije’, as the locals call them, their chefs and cooks merely add a pinch of modernity. You can find numerous restaurants and pubs on astonishing and scenic locations or amidst the serried streets of the stone villages of the Vipava Valley. Aside from tasty dishes and wine, their owners also offer homegrown produce, fruit, herbs, syrups, jams … We definitely recommend you to acquaint yourself with the tastes of the Vipava Valley!
Ajdovščina je gospodarsko in kulturno središče Vipavske doline. Leži na zahodnem delu Slovenije le 25 km od meje z Italijo. Od Ljubljane je oddaljena slabo uro vožnje po avtocesti. Mesto in njena okolica ponujata mnogo naravnih in kulturnih znamenitosti.
Kulinarika in vinske poti
Vipavska dolina slovi po odlični kulinariki in ponudbi belih in rdečih sortnih vin. Vipavska cesta vas s ponudbo vinskih krajev in ponudnikov, ki so označeni z usmerjevalnimi tablami, vabi preko celega leta. Osnovna je ponudba kakovostnega vina in doma pridelana hrana in pijača. Med ljudmi, ki celo leto trdo delajo v svojih vinogradih, poljih in kleteh boste našli prvobitnost in pristno toploto kmečkih domov.
Programi za otroke
Plavanje, posebna doživetja, spoznavanje novih športnih vsebin, so vsekakor primerna dejavnost za koristno preživljanje prostega časa otrok med poletnimi počitnicami. Privoščite vašim otrokom drugačne počitnice, z organiziranimi športnimi dejavnostmi plavalnih in športnih vsebin.